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We are the leading PPT site since 2015 to today. We have thousands of trusted partner who are the heart of the main engine. We have also thousands of real worker who always do there jobs they have, whatever and whenever they got it.


We have a few sister concern all around the world.

Frequently Asked Question

No you don’t needs any experience here!!

Not at all, you don’t need really any skills here.

It’s work base on pay per task (PPT), you’ll be paid for every single job.

It’s very simple!! 

(1) Go to your binance account and send Tron(TRC20) amount $5 to wallet blow.




After sent take a screenshot and send it to ""



(2) Deposit amount $5 to this card given blow. It's take 2-3 official hours to complete.


"4170 3380 1790 4012" visa/master card.


After sent take a screenshot and send it to ""




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